Docker Cloud Agent – Using a Custom Image with the Launch Attached Method [Closed]
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Docker Cloud Agent – Using a Custom Image with the Launch Attached Method [Closed]

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Are you tired of dealing with the limitations of the default Docker Cloud Agent image? Do you want to take your Docker Cloud experience to the next level by using a custom image with the Launch Attached method? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and using a custom Docker Cloud Agent image with the Launch Attached method, step by step.

What is the Docker Cloud Agent?

The Docker Cloud Agent is a lightweight, containerized agent that runs on your infrastructure to enable you to use Docker Cloud features like automatic service discovery, scaling, and load balancing. The agent is responsible for communicating with the Docker Cloud API, allowing you to manage your Docker environments from a single interface.

Why Use a Custom Image?

Using a custom Docker Cloud Agent image provides several benefits, including:

  • Faster deployment**: With a custom image, you can pre-install dependencies and configure the agent to your specific needs, reducing deployment time and effort.
  • Customization**: You can tailor the agent to your unique requirements, adding custom scripts, configurations, or tools to enhance its functionality.
  • Security**: By using a custom image, you can ensure that the agent meets your organization’s security standards, including specific requirements for network connectivity, access controls, and encryption.

The Launch Attached Method

The Launch Attached method is a way to deploy the Docker Cloud Agent as a container on an existing instance or virtual machine. This approach provides greater flexibility and control over the agent’s deployment, allowing you to use your own infrastructure and customize the agent to your needs.

Creating a Custom Docker Cloud Agent Image

To create a custom Docker Cloud Agent image, you’ll need:

  • Docker installed on your local machine
  • A Docker Hub account (optional)
  • A text editor or IDE

Step 1: Create a New Directory and Files

Create a new directory for your custom image project and navigate to it in your terminal or command prompt:

$ mkdir custom-docker-cloud-agent
$ cd custom-docker-cloud-agent

Create the following files:

  • Dockerfile: defines the build process for your custom image
  • docker-cloud-agent.conf: configures the Docker Cloud Agent
  • requirements.txt: lists dependencies required by your custom image

Step 2: Define the Build Process (Dockerfile)

In the Dockerfile, define the build process for your custom image:

FROM docker-cloud-agent:latest

# Set the working directory to /app

# Copy the docker-cloud-agent.conf file
COPY docker-cloud-agent.conf /app/docker-cloud-agent.conf

# Install dependencies
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# Expose the Docker Cloud Agent port

# Run the Docker Cloud Agent command
CMD ["docker-cloud-agent", "-config", "docker-cloud-agent.conf"]

Step 3: Configure the Docker Cloud Agent (docker-cloud-agent.conf)

In the docker-cloud-agent.conf file, configure the Docker Cloud Agent:

  enabled = true
  api_url = ""
  tunnel_addr = ""

  url = ""

Step 4: Define Dependencies (requirements.txt)

In the requirements.txt file, list the dependencies required by your custom image:


Step 5: Build the Custom Image

Build the custom image by running the following command:

$ docker build -t custom-docker-cloud-agent .

Using the Custom Image with the Launch Attached Method

Now that you have created a custom Docker Cloud Agent image, you can use it with the Launch Attached method to deploy the agent on an existing instance or virtual machine.

Step 1: Create a New Instance or Virtual Machine

Create a new instance or virtual machine on your preferred cloud provider or local infrastructure.

Step 2: Install Docker on the Instance or Virtual Machine

Install Docker on the instance or virtual machine, following the official Docker installation instructions for your operating system.

Step 3: Pull the Custom Image

Pull the custom image from your Docker Hub repository (if you pushed it) or use the local image:

$ docker pull custom-docker-cloud-agent

Step 4: Run the Custom Image with the Launch Attached Method

Run the custom image with the Launch Attached method, specifying the instance or virtual machine’s IP address and SSH port:

$ docker run -d --name docker-cloud-agent -p 8080:8080 \
  -e AGENTattached=1 \
  -e AGENTinstance_ip= \
  -e AGENTssh_port= \
Environment Variable Description
AGENTattached Specifies that the agent should run in Launch Attached mode
AGENTinstance_ip The IP address of the instance or virtual machine
AGENTssh_port The SSH port of the instance or virtual machine

Step 5: Verify the Docker Cloud Agent Status

Verify that the Docker Cloud Agent is running and connected to your Docker Cloud account:

$ docker logs -f docker-cloud-agent

Look for the “Agent connected” message indicating that the agent is successfully connected to your Docker Cloud account.


In this article, we’ve covered the process of creating and using a custom Docker Cloud Agent image with the Launch Attached method. By following these steps, you can tailor the Docker Cloud Agent to your specific needs, ensuring a more efficient and secure Docker Cloud experience. Remember to adapt the instructions to your specific use case and infrastructure requirements.

Happy Dockerizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on using custom images with the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent!

What is the benefit of using a custom image with the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent?

Using a custom image with the Launch attached method allows you to tailor your Docker Cloud Agent to your specific needs, ensuring that your agent is optimized for your environment and workflow. This can lead to improved performance, reduced errors, and increased efficiency!

How do I create a custom image for use with the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent?

To create a custom image, you’ll need to create a Dockerfile that defines your environment and requirements. Then, build the image using the Docker CLI, and push it to a registry like Docker Hub. Finally, update your Docker Cloud Agent configuration to reference your custom image!

What are the system requirements for using a custom image with the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent?

To use a custom image with the Launch attached method, you’ll need a Docker Cloud Agent version 1.14.0 or later, Docker 17.09 or later, and a compatible operating system (such as Ubuntu 18.04 or later). Make sure you have enough resources (CPU, memory, and disk space) to run your custom image!

Can I use a private registry with a custom image and the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent?

Yes, you can use a private registry with a custom image and the Launch attached method! Just make sure to configure your Docker Cloud Agent to authenticate with the private registry, and reference the image using the private registry’s URL. Then, sit back and enjoy the benefits of using a custom image!

How do I troubleshoot issues with a custom image and the Launch attached method in Docker Cloud Agent?

Troubleshooting custom image issues can be a challenge! Start by checking the Docker Cloud Agent logs for errors, and review your custom image’s configuration and Dockerfile. You can also try running the image locally using Docker CLI to isolate the issue. If all else fails, reach out to Docker support for assistance!